Tantric Flow

Heart Centered Prana Flow for All


Every Monday
8:00-9:00PM EST / 5:00-6:00PM PST
$15 (drop-in)*

YJ Members use code for subscription rate.

Led by: Theresa O’Neil

Take a break from busyness in this slow flow practice for all levels. Release stress, soften, and strengthen with a heart-centered practice that will challenge and nurture. Slow, fluid movements help us reconnect with our body and breath - and with Spirit. Variations will be provided to support you as you are in each practice, each breath. The practice will begin with a short reading from the Lalita Saharsanama or other sacred Tantric text to inspire us and end with deep relaxation. You are also invited for a short (optional) discussion after class about the reading.

Open to All. All Levels Welcome.

Register to Participate LIVE on zoom or to receive recording. Zoom recordings will be emailed approximately 48hrs after each class to all registrants.


*No one will be turned away for lack of funds-- it is important to us that this work is accessible to anyone who wants it. Please be in touch if you need to about the cost.

Questions and concerns:
Email admin@yogajubilee.com